Friday, May 30, 2008

One week later...

So the plants are in the ground and generally seem to be doing their thing.  My squashes and eggplants are looking a bit feeble still but that could be down to the cold snap we had for two nights this past week.  Based on previous experience, these may not recover and I may have to replace them with new plants, I'll make that call next week.

I did my first weeding of the season today, finished in a record 15 minutes.  If I'm smart enough to stay on top of it then every week could be this quick (I'm not, so they won't be).

I also spent some time sprucing up the drip irrigation system.  As is typical each year, some of the lines need to be replaced and others need to be respositioned.

Here's how things looked last week, I'll get you another shot this weekend:

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