Monday, August 21, 2006

Weeks 18 and 19: 12 and 19 August -- No frickin' tomatoes

Can you believe it? How ridiculous that they won't ripen. So strange...or maybe not. It's my first year, maybe this is typical.

So I've been a delinquent blogger over the past two weeks. I owe you guys some major updates, right? Here's the dirt:

  • The beans are still coming in nicely, a good pound or so each week. They are yummy. Interestingly the bush beans have been more consistent than the poles.
  • Zukes are still coming out huge. I'm not sure what to keep doing with them. This weekend we battered and fried them, that seemed to go well.
  • Squash and cukes still doing their thing too
  • There will be no artichokes this year. I've lost two of the six plants and the rest aren't looking so hot. I will try to cover and mulch them well over the winter but I'm not confident that they will cooperate.
  • And yes, the pumpkins are continuing their conquest. We have at least four growing specimens that we will look forward to.
So life in the garden continues apace. Lots of lessons for next year which I will bounce off you in the coming days.


Stunned Donor said...

The tomatoes are being rather frustrating aren't they?

Are you feeding the artichokes at all? They're really heavy feeders and I give compost to my chokes and cardoons every couple weeks.

William Hoffman said...

No, I haven't been feedling the chokes. I suspect I've missed the boat for this year. I'll give them a snack when I get up this weekend. At this point I just want to get them atrong enough to survive the winter.

Stunned Donor said...

A couple of my artichokes are kind of runty, but I suspect it's because they're at the end of the row and they get shaded by the apple tree in the late afternoon.

I can't decide whether to mulch them heavily or wait until they go dormant and dig up the root and store them in thebasement for the Winter. I suppose I should read up on it.