Monday, June 26, 2006

I guess they'll be here soon

Look! My first zucchini. He's just a wee lad yet but I imagine he'll be ready for harvest in a few weeks. I understand they grow pretty quick. How exciting! There were a few green ones and a few yellow ones.
Maybe it's really working.

This whole nature thing is pretty darn cool. If I'm this excited over a zucchini, what am I going to be like when the pumpkins start?


Jeph said...

LOL I think I took the same picture this weekend (only a little out of focus) - just need to post 'em!

And those pumpkins will be REAL exciting!! Would you believe my mom STILL has two that I picked this last fall!? They won't rot!! Granted, they're Rumbos - and I don't recall if the Rumbo is technically considered a pumpkin or a winter squash (which might last longer than your average pumpkin?) She sends pictures once in awhile as proof they're still around...

Stunned Donor said...

I'm like a kid when something appears in the garden, but then I'm like a kid most of the time.

Anonymous said...

b -- thanks for checking out life in delhi -- and for your comments...
it looks like you live in scotland or ireland or something... do you turn up the GREEN TINT in your camera or something? the garden looks lush... v. nice.
wish i could join you for one of these salads..

Anonymous said...

Hey B

Glad the storm from the St Lawrence Valley provided rain but no damage. Patron saint of cooks by the way - so St L (not me, the other one) was probably worried about your tomatoes too.
The courgettes flowers look great - don't forget you can eat those too (either in a salad or if you are feeling brave in a very light batter with something like ricotta). Making myself hungry now!