So a few new arrivals this week. Helped no doubt by a few sultry days and, more importantly, some real rainfall at the end of last week.

The beans which seemed to be taking their time have now made a good showing. Two sides of the trellis have come up (seen here) but no word yet from the third side. Could it be that we're not getting enough sun or water on that side? Or could they just be a week behind, we'll see what happens next week.
I don't know if you can see from the picture, but some of the seedlings still have the shell of the bean seed attached to them, pretty cool.

In another coup for the happy confluence of ideal conditions and a tendency for quick germination, the pumpkin seedlings have emerged (shown here). Regular readers will recall that these seeds went in just last week. That's pretty impressive growth for just seven days. By far the fastest seeds in the garden so far. I have at least 17 seedlings so far which means lots and lots of jack-o-lanterns if I let them all do their thing.
Let's give them another few weeks before deciding whether or not to thin the herd.
The rest of the garden was in good shape. Lots of weeding to be done, no doubt influenced by the same sun and rain which helped my crops along. I am now starting to worry that I'll have a huge bounty all at once; those who are fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to live on the path between the Country and the City shouldn't be surprised to find a bushel of veggies on their doorstep on Sunday afternoons.
It's nice keeping up on the garden... I REALLY like the pictures of the salad from an earlier posting. Dinner for six next (this) weekend, huh? sounds great.
xox - S
Thanks for stopping by at my blog and commenting. You have a great house and garden! I love Upstate, but I love Manhattan even more so. I'd say you have the best of both worlds.
Hey B
Glad to see things coming along nicely Mr Greenfingers.
I'm planning on being in NY in Oct (unless by boss's plan to find me a Japanese wife comes off and I'm still stuck here) so I will be expecting pumpkin pie!
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