...but I sure do have a bear! This is my winter birdfeeder. I decided to leave it up through the spring and summer this year to keep up the show outside the window. On two previous weekends I had discovered it fallen over but I assumed that our wet May had softened the ground to the point that the pole lost its grip.

Now I realize that there were definitely more brute forces at work here. My friends Mark and Jeff around the corner told me a story about how a bear stole their bird feeder off the deck one year. I was a little jealous that nothing that cool had happened to mine. That will teach me to envy my neighbor.

Check out how he (or she?) mangled the metal feeder apart to get at the goodies within. He was big enough to rip the metal pole from the base. The last picture shows the full extent of the damage. I guess I'll put up a replacement in the winter again...perhaps a bit further away from the house this time.
Bears - Crikey!
I'm not sure I'd like to run into one as I went to collect my mail.
Very impressed with the progress of the garden. I remember afternoons at my grandparents sneaking into the strawberry patch and the raspberry canes (but going nowhere near the well as that was OUT OF BOUNDS) and then helping to shell peas for dinner.
Life used to be so simple. Sigh.
wow your home looks very nice! i have a house in the cityburbs of detroit with a small yard and i (as well as my dog) wishes i had your land! but i do have a tiny vegetable/herb garden on my postage stamp yard.
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