Monday, June 26, 2006

Close Encounters

I really can't beat this one. Saturday night we were having dinner with our neighbors Bart and Jim and a few friends of theirs. The rain that had been plaguing the weekend stopped for a few hours and we had a wonderful meal on their deck.

I told them about the bear that had attacked my birdfeeder...but they managed to do oh so much better. Jim and Bart had actually come home one evening and found a black bear doing the number on their own birdfeeder. It's probably the same bear as our houses are so close to each other.

Even better, they had the presence of mind to get the camera, move to a safe place and photograph the bear doing his thing. He stuck around for a half hour or so and allowed himself to be photographed. When I saw these shots I had to get them for the blog and Bart and Jim very kindly agreed. Guess it's time to get some of this.


Jim said...

Good thing bears don't go for veggies, and you didn't go with beekeeping for the honey. "Hum dum de dum, hum dum de dum / I am so rumbly in my tumbly." - Winnie the Pooh

Anonymous said...


Aunty M and I are a little concerned about the whole bear thing.

Please do NOT replace your birdfeeder - or place undue reliance on condiments to keep mr bear away. I'm only coming to visit during periods of hibernation.

L x

William Hoffman said...

He's standing on his hind legs, going for the birdfeeder. The night vision effect is because the pictures were enhanced to see the bear better. Looks cool, right?

Stunned Donor said...

I think it's kind of cool that there are bears around, I hope nobody feeds it so it becomes moreof a problem

Anonymous said...

Maybe research what a bear's least favourite 'dish' is and put that in the bird feeder to keep that creepy looking thing away.

I'm with Laury on this one though, I'm not visiting while this thing's roaming free. Maybe build a 10 foot fence around the property?