Sunday, May 21, 2006

Week 6: 20 May -- A Milestone

Rain. That has been the defining characteristic of the last week. Lots of it. Fortunately I was spared the severe flooding that plagued parts of New England north of me but things were still plenty wet this weekend. Nonetheless, I got loads done. Including completing the beds and paths for the entire garden, planting most of the remaining veggies, my first serious weeding effort and sorting out irrigation to cover the entire garden (somewhat superfluous considering the weather).

The peas and lettuce are growing steadily, although slower than I would have expected. At this rate, we're still weeks away from a salad. I stopped by a few nurseries this weekend and found all of my herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil, tarragon, rosemary, lemon thyme and oregano), zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, eggplant, two types of conventional tomatoes (plum and standard ones), and three types of heirloom tomatoes. I also threw in another round of lettuce (mesclun mix this time) and my first beans (both bush and pole types).

See above for shots of the lettuce, peas and a wide shot of the garden.

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