So by and large I dodged a bullet with the tomatoes. You will recall that I have tomatoes planted in three places in the garden. Last week I ambitiously put them in and left them to fend for themselves in the face of some pretty chilling events (well, a cold snap really). Toms usually shrivel after one bout of cold so I was worried all week about how they would fare.

The first picture is of the standard "chuck-'em-in-a-salad" variety (not their official name). They're sitting happily in their cages and are holding themselves up. They are perhaps a little skimpier than I would like them to be and some of their leaves have a few spots on them. I think they'll be fine. They may punish me with a reduced yield but I have nothing to compare to so I probably won't know the difference.

The results of the heirloom tomato patch are a bit more varied. One of then came through beautifully and is looking better than the standard toms (but not better than the plums which are doing best of all). Two are not looking as hale and may need to come out if they haven't perked up by next week. The heirlooms are not caged so I staked them all this week in the hopes that this week's warmer weather will give them the push that they need.
How do you remove a 300 pound cement post?
Who knew that all your anal retentive way's would come in handy in the garden!! You write about your vegetables as if they have feelings and emotions. DO you think it will be easy seeing them in a salad or stir fry? I look forward to seeing the fruits and vegetables of yours and Jim's labor.
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