Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Am I merely trendy?

This garden journey of mine is a release. An opportunity to try something I've never done before. I work in a bank so I don't get to use my hands for much; there's no output for what I do. My garden satisfies my primal urge to move earth and create.

And I'm apparently not alone. Two items from the New York Times over the past week point to something very current about men and their gardens:

1) A story on Mets pitcher Pedro Martinez and his garden at his home in Greenwich, CT that is his sanctuary.

2) From this past Sunday's Book Review, a look at two laddish books about gardening from a very male perspective. The Alexander book looks like a good (and relevant) read.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm - don't worry, you can garden all you like and I won't think you're trendy!

I am enjoying the regular updates on your garden though and I'm looking forward to this becoming a hit site so eventually you can publish (I'll review it), give up work and become a celebrity gardener.

You'll have your own show. Every week you can tour a different garden. The show can have a little slot every week called "Ask Richie" and your Dad can tell us what it is really like doing the work.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm - don't worry, you can garden all you like and I won't think you're trendy!

I am enjoying the regular updates on your garden though and I'm looking forward to this becoming a hit site so eventually you can publish (I'll review it), give up work and become a celebrity gardener.

You'll have your own show. Every week you can tour a different garden. The show can have a little slot every week called "Ask Richie" and your Dad can tell us what it is really like doing the work.


Anonymous said...
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