Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Week 12: 1 July -- A rare four-day weekend

First off, I have no pictures for you this week. I didn't feel like a photo session. But I gotta tell you, I could totally get used to four days a week in the country.

So let's start with the garden. The salad leaves are looking good and I'm expecting them to go bitter any week now but so far so good. I've not put in a new crop yet so I may be stuck buying lettuce again at some point.

The herbs are looking good too. The cilantro has flowered so there'll be seeds soon. I should probably get them out before they seed all over the place. The peas are coming but not so much. I may get a handful off each vine but not a fantastic yield. The only other failure this year is the eggplant. For some reason they never established themselves and they now look downright anemic next to everything else.

And everything else really is flourishing. I found baby tomatoes on a few plants this weekend which was very exciting. I have a few nice zucchinis and yellow squash coming. The cut flowers are blooming now (I even cut a few this weekend) and even the sunflowers are starting to bud.

And boy oh boy how 'bout those pumpkins. They're really starting to take over and I'm concerned that I will lose control of them soon. I found the vines reaching into the sunflowers this weekend and I'm afraid they're going to jump the path into the squash patch in the next few weeks. It may be time to thin them again but I feel awful doing it.

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