Work has very little time for blogging, or indeed gardening, these days. We're in the middle of planning season and it's all just been pretty manic. I left for London last weekend and was there all week, got back yesterday and will miss yet another weekend upstate for the wedding of Jim's brother today. September is going to a rough month for me and my country pursuits.
That said, I have been managing to squeeze in a day or two upstate over the past few weeks. The pumpkins are coming in at the rate of one or two a week. The tomatoes are finally ripening. The zukes have done their thing and it's time for them to come out, same for the cukes. It's nearly time to get the garden shut down for the winter.
Start of October I will throw some bulbs in which I have not done before. Apparently the actual planting process is easy...keeping the deer and rodents away, not so much.
Be patient friends, I will write when I can.